Monday, June 22, 2009
Signals of approval
Even if you are not the favorite daughter or son, you wish for your parents to like the person you go out to coffee with. The main reason is you see the bigger picture and this requires a good companionship with the person you date. Also to some extent I believe that they know a little bit on who is better for their own blood.
Even if you are the crappiest or the out of scene friend, you wish for your friends’ approval because you do not want to drive them away once you start dating him. You also want to make sure that your future boyfriend fits your crowd of friend.
You want to make sure that your pride stays aligned even after going to “in a relationship” from the status “single”. You would want them to know you are as successful in your personal life as you are in your professional life.
Even if you are the odd one out. As a couple you want to make that the opposite. You want to look stunning when you are with him. You want the society to accept the intolerable concept of dating.
The necessitate go lights
And now I say, your family approval is vital but if your parents brought you up to be a better person, you’d obviously make a good choice and with all due respect, screw everyone else around you. If you have met the right person and he seems to show potential, change to the acts of nature. Change the coffee shop that you are so familiar with. Change the colleagues you have lunch with. Change the routine of a teenager to a grown up. Change your irrepressible needs and desire.
With such a promising guy, there are some belongings worth a compromise. If you have a guy that would build you a life and show you the meaning of life after this, nothing that is in your life right now matters. So forget the approvals except for your parents and then move on with him. You wouldn’t regret it even if you break up with him because if he is as prospective as we speak, he would have made you a better person in due time.
So I assume that life is easier today, with less people to impress with the person you date! So I guess that life is less complicated with making the decision of dating with your beliefs! So I presume that life is easier by choosing the man most appropriate for you rather than most appropriate for the atmosphere around you.
Motion Picture that seems so much like a movie.
Movies seem to be something you watch and consider to be real life for a moment or somewhere in the world. Or perhaps imagine that you are going through the identical situation right now and someday you will also have that happy ending as in the movie.
Have you ever relived your life in a movie? Probably you have, but with minor changes like a prettier actress and a sexier man. Worst, is when you see a real-time motion picture but a real situation that keeps on repeating your olden times with a prettier girl and a sexier man. You see a younger version, making the same mistakes, same regrets, the same joys, and the same thing as in your past.
When such things as your past repeats among other humans, you keep thinking that it’s just like watching a movie about yourself. Only thing I wish for other than a happy ending is the desperate wish if I could sit on the Director’s comfy chair and change it scenes one by one avoiding regrets and mistakes.
It is also weird, because who ever is acting on such a movie like situation, I am simply wondering if you haven’t seen my movie, where I get hurt at the end and so does the love of your life. Being just one single being in the cinema, I hardly can scream out or explain what I am feeling at the moment. I keep on wondering why the crew passes me a special DVD with deleted scenes. Is it really about me? Is the producer or director trying to tell me something?
Biographies and some documentaries are being produced by some production houses, because the personalities in the movie or documentaries give out a good impression or good motive for others to learn from it and set out to be a superior illustration of life. However, what’s so special about my life, to rewind and played in front of me and everyone who had witnessed the pity ending. Crying over regrets, wishing to go back or laughing out my lungs is all I can do because it is a huge joke and embarrassment to your beloveds.
The movie keeps on enduring itself and I am getting tired. The movie is going into too much detail and I am running out of pop corn. The movie kills the innocent and I am getting impatient to go back and undo it. I can’t wait to see the movie of my life finish with a pleased ending.
Just like wishing to go and make alteration on the necessary scenes, I wish if I can learn from the producer’s surprise ending. Probably, I’d learn from the movie, what I can do to continue into a better life, so that I could also have the marvelous ending the Producers usually bring in.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Music on World's Music Day
Basically, if you are a normal human being, you would adore music. Its either backstreet boys or Three Doors Down. Doesn’t matter how addicted you are to music; it still doesn’t make you an expert.
An iPod has become a daily accessory for all of us. E! has classified it as a must have accessory in the year 2009. This resembles how much portion of our routine day has become involved with Music. I walked into your room where it’s full of Beatles posters and guitars’ hanging almost everywhere or you may know every Britney Spears song by heart, and you may sing them even better than Travis, it still doesn’t make you a Music Expert.
I am not an expert on this either. But all I know is stereotyped thinking cannot be practiced in the Music Industry. Music is catered to everyone. From a child to elderly. From Asian to European. From male species to female species. This gives you a million song to choose from. I may vomit to a song from BSB while it becomes an essential of your routine life for you or for a million other human beings.
So eliminate the borders, races, religion, sex and age if you wish to be the music expert, that you believe you are. Say you don’t like it but it might be wise to market the music in India. Respect people who have actually laid out milestones. Respect people who have already climbed up the ladder. Respect the people who had already published their music while you are simply talking shit everyday.
Music can be taken on different perspective. Even if you feel vomitish to one song, understand the differences in our culture and the fact that even your girlfriend or boyfriend might actually listen to it behind your back because you make not only the band or artist feel like crap but also anyone who listens to the music. This is totally unacceptable acts of humans especially on such a day.
Therefore, until you start to be the vocalist or the drummer to my morning song or my goodnight song, don’t even expect me to hear your opinion on my song. And I boldly say the above again, Music is not simply good only if you listen or adore it. It is good if there are people to listen to it. Admire the music that you hear on the radio and esteem the song played in your public transportation system (I don’t mean that you ought to listen to songs that you don’t like) and bow for all the hard work that’s done by the artist for them to go where we’ve never been. Acknowledge the skill, knowledge, enthusiasm, courage, innovation and creativity that had impressed a producer, record label and even the listener.
In the music platform, most of us are just people who listen, for a million of reason. So today, let us all be listeners, nothing more or nothing less and toast to all those who have made it this far. For all those who are playing their songs to the people who love it. For all those who have got their names printed on a CD.
And on this day, while we salute the good, let us all come down to where we belong and look upon the people who are above us. This post and I salute, with respect and love, to all musicians, who have taken even the tiniest steps of their career, and this address does not leave even a single musician despite what genre they are in. To all the artists and to WORLD MUSIC DAY!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
An impression of attraction without an effort.
Below are possible 10 moves of a guy to attract a girl of his dreams.
1. Take the big check; Pay off big checks and look impressive. Talk numbers that none of your other friends can talk about. Girls like when you take control. When you lead a relationship and ensure them that someday you can be the person taking care of them.
2. Take care of the girl’s best friend; Get the yes word and the green light from the best friend. This is often a temporary step whereby the girlfriend is totally out of the picture in time.
3. Do the undoable; Do the things you hate. Wake up early in the morning. Do shopping on lady style. And all the tiny undoables for the male species.
4. Lie to her about your forbidden sins; Look as innocent as you can. Be clean from drugs and we faithful in your past relationships.
5. Be understanding; which none of them are. Trust me, hanging out with guys and wearing half naked dresses infront of your male friends is no longer accepted when you are impressed enough. Soon you need to be reserved and to some extent I respect that.
6. Make one big compromise for the girl; Skip something important in life, just for her. So she’d see you in the big picture. The compromise is often related to something huge which may involve family or career.
7. Be great around kids. A guy may love kids, but not in a manner that he is drooling to take the responsibility of being a father.
8. Be a mama’s boy. Hardly guys are homely, but to impress a pretty girl, you don’t know how far they might go.
9. Be religious. Girls love having a wise man in their life.
10. Get along with friends and family. If a guy is so good at what he does, he is the best in impressing you friends and family.
I am not surprised that most of the guys do all of the above or even more sometimes, to impress girls. The thing I’m confused is that these fade away with the first base.
And most the whole post is not suppose to be a typical Cosmo article but is a dot down of things to help me understand why I am so impressed with you. I’m shocked that we both are so attracted to each other without any of the above and I really don’t know why and how?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Communiqué; a solution for everything…only if there were ears
Tonight I was on phone with my bestest friend, at least I hope so, for almost 2 hours trying to tell him how distant we’ve been and the respective changes in our lives since a certain time (unidentified by any of us). Honestly, he doesn’t know or maybe he doesn’t give a damn to make out it. Either way it’s hard for me to digest it, in other words, I miss the good old times. This is mainly, for the reason that life gets soother (at slightest for me) when we share and care like we always do.
When life shivers down in front of you, you adjust to it, even if you are lacking the fuel that you require. I’ve adjusted. I’ve run this old fashioned car even without the fuel. I’ve gone far to get adjusted to the life around me. I guess, I can do a very fine living with the hurtful punishment of not being able to drive my old fashioned car with the appropriate fuel that it requires. I’ve even gulped the warm sip of milk, with its awful taste a million times. But it takes some guts to spill out how bad the warm cup of milk was or how hard I’ve tried to grab a clean cup or how hard it was to reach my destiny without the needful fuel.
But tonight, I told the mere one who could help me make a healthier drink. I told him with hope to get things change in the way that I transport. I believe he would understand where I stand at least for a second. And his words did flow with mine for awhile. But poof, he forgot the fact that I don’t drink milk or I don’t like it on dirty cups. Shameful it is, especially when a girl weeps her eyes out, screaming “I HATE MILK”. Now I sit around wondering why the hell I even told everyone how I feel. I should have hushed and be strong like I always am. If I could go back, pride would have been stronger when I am a better person. I would not have been disappointed or even assured my gut feeling of total ignorance.
Self actions has made me a better independent person, even though we make each other cherish in the dark. That’s me, I don’t get childish and such an asshole. And yeah! I punish you or rage against you on the front of Polpots instead of real head to head because it would either be ignored or joked of. I’m sorry that I went way off the clouds to describe how I felt tonight, especially when I figured that this is definitely not the ears for that weeping. My words are not that meaningless but maybe I am. My reasons are logical but we might not be. You might forget the most important thing for a second, but if my words can’t remind you of those, nothing can.
Am I out of content to say that I miss the one to one time we spend together? Or was it a gap filled because you urged for someone to take your side (and you knew I would despite anything, take your side). Oh! I miss the time when I spill out the dirtiest secrets of the whole nation and me without the fear of judging. I adore it more when you don’t even critic or support me for the jerk I have been. But if my words cant solve this, neither can I. Because I am way too weaker than my words and I believe in communiqué.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
You and Me; We aren't that different
Seriously, what do you think? You tell me to stop being addicted to bad habits. But hey, you bite your nails everyday. Don’t you?
Seriously, what good are you? You tell me to stop worrying about family. But hey, you labour around your family every stupid minute. Don’t you?
Seriously, what are we? You tell me you are my friend. But hey, you hardly know me anymore. Do you?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Vote Concept
I try not to write too much of Politics here, but just a thought that has been hammering my head all day. Today, I heard an MP say, “President is a post that is elected by voting and this voting is where the most number of votes goes to one single human being, who then is elected”.
However, in the case of Maldives, I totally disagree with the above fact based on the Presidential Elections 2008, or should I say “Rayyithunge Nimmun 2008”.
On the first round of the Elections, we saw the above concept being applied to former president, however, by constitution, the winning candidate should get more than 50% of the votes and therefore we went for a second round as the former president was not able to achieve this or neither was any other candidate.
With themes such as “Badhalakah Emmen” and “Wathan Edhey Gothah”, we all united to throw off the current regime. We vowed to bring a change, either out of desperation or frustration. And yes, we all did it with a very popular majority of votes. The credit of this success not only goes to His Excellency President Mohamed Nasheed, but also to all other candidates who partnered up with him for this change. It would be rude, if I do not happen to mention the biggest contributors for President Nasheed’s win, that would be Dr. Hassan Saeed and Mr. Gasim Ibrahim. Therefore, I would say together we all pulled out a dream come true to almost everyone on this little piece of land.
Therefore, when it comes to the above mentioned concept, I’d say it’s much appropriate to say that “President is a post that is elected by voting and this voting is where most number of votes that are casted against an opposition”.
We, who voted against the former president. We, who did not vote for one single individual. We, who voted for a change. We, who did not want our children to live the bureaucratic life our grandparents live. We, who believed in democracy and not single handed ruling. We, who wanted a change…a better change.
dig the beauty...
For an easy life, for the pride, for the love and joy, we walked away. But one thing we didn’t know was that even a million years down the line, we would still adore each other. I would still miss your humor. You would still miss my cooking and the girly touch in your life. I would miss your childish laziness and crazy excuses to be the real man. You would still miss the fun we bring even at the time of sufferings. And we both would miss the milliseconds that meant a lifetime.
The laughs that is in mute yet so blissful. The dresses those are only sexy in your eyes. The excitement of two in our day to day life… all vanished into thin air. The eternity we were proud of became restricted.
Unlike most girls, or perhaps like most girls, I tried to find a reason that was worth such a overwhelmed loss. I tried to believe that I deserved this for the betterment of you and me. But every move I made to prove myself was just a mirage. Move by move, I made a fool out of myself. Move by move, I kept loosing it all. Everything made me feel like how anxious I was. Everything made me miss the best part of life. Nothing that came across meant worth the things I lost. The harder I tried to prove everyone, the harder it was to be proved.
So I stepped off my shoes and stopped trying because it was easier. But days like today, makes me think again and again, if there was anything I could have held onto. I miss the most important yet the most complicated bit of my life. I can’t imagine what I would not miss, when I miss the sobs, the fights, the bankruptcy, being the man and woman and the lies.
Now, we are so far away, in denial. Magic that we pulled to get over the mess we made, distant us incautiously. The wishes, the hopes, the dreams, the love is still evidently buried with each of us. Strong as it always was. But the question remain, are we both strong enough to dig the beauty off the dirty soul without getting it dusted?