Friday, May 15, 2009

Bad Boy Magnet

Walking into a bar on a Saturday night you run into all kinds of people on all kinds of purposes. Some of them are there to chill out with their loved ones to get the ease of a busy week. Some of them are there to pick up a girl or a dude, to enjoy the weekend. Some of them are there to just meet people and go home alone.

A lot of people meet in bars, coffee shops, concerts, festivals and parties. I often meet my datable material guys only at concerts, especially rock concerts. But they all turn out to be bad boys. As in they are drug addicts, jobless losers, and sociaholics or somehow unacceptable by the community I know.

But with such guys, I have the time of my life. I laugh, have fun, and secretly be childish. Be in love and loved. Smile every morning knowing it’s going to be a great day. Smile every night knowing it was a great day. But none of my loved ones will accept all the smiles I give the world. They’d just think, these guys are just not worth me. But I say otherwise. There I go; I am a bad boy magnet.

And that’s one big reason why I haven’t started dating the divorced famous vocalists who makes a plenty of money every week from myTunes and records. And that’s why I haven’t gone out for coffee with the only graduate from my own field of work. And that’s why I haven’t yet kissed the respectable lawyer. And that’s why I keep rejecting the calls from the hot looking MBA holder.
As an adult, I know my life could be everything I want with these guys. But I still resist because I don’t have the magnetic pull towards these guys. Not even a bit. What else can I call myself other than a Bad Boy Magnet?

1 comment:

  1. haha i guess i'm one myself. these so called respectable guys over here are so mundane. sure they can promise you riches security and etc etc but there's no spark in it..and for some of us thats what counts. :) the family and friends give me crap about it but who cares right?
