Saturday, May 23, 2009

Western prospect on Muslim; is it changing?

Since I am not that of an extreme Muslim, I never faced much of a difficulty in the western world. Mostly for the reason that my colleagues weren’t bothered by my beliefs and I wasn’t bothered by theirs, something called the RESPECT happened. I still took care of them when they were drunk and I still cleaned up their mess after tremendous boy parties (if you know what I mean). I valued what they believed in. I am still learning my religion. I even believe the people who don’t believe it.

While I’m with them, I get the respect I give them. But when I am in public and when people know me as just a Muslim, its different. The very few times, when my unshaven sexy husband stands by me, they all stare at me like; I’m going to blow up myself. Just like I am just another extremist.

However, last couple of years I was hoping that life would change at some point and people would believe in us and respect us. And by people here, I mean people who really don’t know us and puts us in the general understanding of what really might not be true. Mainly the expectation arose from the way we treat you. In our country, we allow you to drink, sex it up, gamble and many more (even when these are extreme sins), mainly because we believe in you and respect your beliefs. So everyday, I hope that this treatment will become mutual and not single sided.

Lately not only I am happy with the quality of Hollywood production but I am also happy with their beliefs. Body of lies made me rethink that not everyone in the western world are as pathetic as most of them. Like for instance either the script writer or the producer of this movie, definitely understood life on the other side. And god, it made me fall in love with Leonardo; a good actor, furthermore a better character. On the real world, I would die to find a man like him; true on the inside, sexy on the outside.

And then a regular television series I am addicted to is 24. When Jack wants help of a Muslim Sheikh to ask for forgiveness for his sins, I simply loved it. When the producer tried to give out the message to the whole wide world that not all Muslims are terrorists or the fact that, Muslims are an easy target to be framed for terrorism, I simply adored it.

Therefore, a million other movies and a million other television series as such gives my sisters and brothers hope for the next day. The hope that we can someday be a part of some Free Trade or maybe Globalisation. The hope that we could find life beyond our borders if necessary. The hope that I can also go cruising with old western couples after my retirement.

Basically, I am hoping that my son would easily get his visa processed to Copenhagen even if I name him “Abdulla Ali”. I am also eager to know if my daughter will be eyed or suspect of wrong doing simply just because she maybe wearing a lovely headscarf and look as innocent as me :P I am just desperately yearning next generation to have an easier life without being judged by their religion or the culture of life.

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