Thursday, April 16, 2009


When everyone around you says Go Vote or shits like Vote to Decide, Decide to Vote…I really wish to know if the youths behind this successful campaigns and the successful change understands what they are doing by ticking on a piece of paper.

Parliament elections heading our direction and everyone are on a campaign mode. The national TV and radio as well as other mediums are creating awareness for people to go vote. I wonder if such social awareness was produced prior to announcing the candidacy, for them to know what they are standing for, the vast responsibility and accountability in their hands. The candidates are from different social background, some are respectable lawyers, teachers, TV stars, athletes and gangsters. I wonder how many of them would recognize a bill on their table. How many of them would know to interpret such documents. How many of them are conscious of the circumstances around you. How many of them can actually be smart and brave enough to hold the state together when everything around them collides.

When candidates ask for your vote, ask them if they can protect you when the situation is restless. When they have the nation in their hand, what can they do? What they are so interested in? Is it the name, the privilege or the remuneration or the easy life that will bring you to? Ask them if they can host a family of 5,000, prioritizing the needs of the family before their own.

Ask all these questions because I can personally assure you 90% of the candidates are there for their own interest. The power, the prestige, the luxury lifestyle and the unjustified remuneration is what the candidates are craving for.

So, as a medium, my blog is strictly not going to promote voting. But regretting and wondering where are the potential candidates, those who are to support us, guide us, and take us in their palms when we are in chaos.

Few months from now, I wonder if the parliament will be able to protect the nation against the economic crisis. Will the parliament be able to shield the population on this volatile political atmosphere? Will the parliament be able to raise our ecological limitation to a global level? And will the parliament be able to address the major as well as the minor issues of our lives. Vote for a “YES” answer. If any of the candidates give you the solution for economic crisis, volatile political atmosphere, ecological limitation and a simple solution for a complete effortless life, you have a candidate to tick for.

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